Hi beautiful !!!!
Sorry for went missing last week, been busy doing... idk haha!
So this week I just wanted to share with you my tips about hair!
Hair is something that is VERY important especially for us girls!
And I have tips to make your hair more soft and smells good and voluminous!
1. Reverse your routine!!
What I mean by reversing routine, is that whenever you wash your hair, use CONDITIONER first! use conditioner first on the half until bottom part of your hair and then leave it for 5-10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, dont rinse your conditioner! use your shampoo all over your hair, massage your scalp and THEN rinse your hair with water.
2. Whenever you blow-dry your hair, blow-dry it backwards(?)
But anyway, what I mean is when you want to dry your hair, bend your hair forward and blow-dry the hair from the top (which is actually the inner bottom part of hair) to the bottom
I've been using and changing my routine into this and it makes my hair more soft, and voluminous when I blow-dry it.
I am so sorry that this is a really short post, but I hope you learn something from today's post and thank you sooo much for keep on reading my post <3 If you have any suggestion or anythin, you can always leave them on the comment below and dont forget to follow my IG @violawin.23 and my snapchat: violaaws (if you want!) Thank you so muchhh and see youu ♡
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- V