Hai beautiful peeps!
I'm backk with my food diary (told ya there will be foodporn)
I love love love food so much lol
So, today I'm going to share with you some of my favorite food!

Chicken Tortilla (yummy!)

Chocolate Lava Cake (That melted chocolate inside is to die for, omg)

Chocolate Waffle (you can buy this one on 'Seuta HK WAFFLE' ;) )

This is one is one of my favorite indo food, Nasi Goreng!

This one's called 'Pancake Pizza' lol it's yummyyy!

Another favorite Indo food, called Soto Ayam! couldn't resist!

Indo food! (YAYY.) It's Roasted Chicken, Green Chilli Chicken, Veggie, 'Tempe',
and 'Perkedel' with Rice :)

I'm sure you all familiar with this! It's Spaghetti Bolognise with tomato and sausage.

This one is called 'Kue Cubite', yummy dessert!

Well, that's some of my favorite food! 
More food picture coming up for sure!
and I hope it makes you all hungry (oops..)
Stay tune for more food-diary posts, beauty tips, fashion, etc!
See ya!


  1. that choco lava *O* you rpost make me hungry hahaha
    keep blogging dear

    kindly check out my blog


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