Hi, beauties!! Welcome to the new post! Today I wanted to share with you my make up space! This is a tiny space in my bedroom where I do my make up and store most of my make up. So it's also kind of like a make-up collection ;)
I'm sorry if you think and see my messy make up space because honestly i'm still organizing and just thinking where to put certain things so it will look great.
I'm sorry if you think and see my messy make up space because honestly i'm still organizing and just thinking where to put certain things so it will look great.
Here's the overview of my little make-up space.......
Here's what on my make-up desk (Lil make-up collection)
I have some face products, eye products, and lip products!
I keep my palettes and primer and some eye products and a lip gloss on this little container!
Behind that little container I keep a small scissor and a cotton swabs (Q-tips)
Here's some of my brushes that I store in a little jar (my other brushes are in my make up bag not in my make-up desk)
And at last, that's my mirror! It's a basic not a good looking mirror but it works (as long as I can see myself) so I use that! And in front of the mirror is an eyelid tape.
That's it for my blog post for today! Thank you for reading my post and I hope you enjoy them and get a little inspired just as much as me and i'll see you in the next one,
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- V